Foreword - Vol. 1

by Bob Fitch

Having known Tobias from our earlier theatre days, I knew he could never write anything that wasn’t based on the truth and the results of his own training, discovering and experience. Hence, I am honored to have been asked to share my thoughts about these writings. I know that they can open new doors for you. Ideas that you never knew existed!

This book is about your personal journey of taking an effect you love and treating your audience to an emotional high unlike that of any other who might perform the same effect. Basing it solely on your own personal creative passion for it and your own point of view; Tobias gives you the tools that will help you put your own individual stamp on it.

Beyond Deception comes at a very relevant time in our magic history….A time when copy-catting, information leeching, easy access to any and all secrets, even illegally procured, is a daily, nay hourly occurrence; marking all such purveyors as clones and like Top-40’s Bands, replaceable and forgettable. With so many magi so hungry to be the next star, how do we attain a higher, more original, more respected status in this art form of ours?

Along comes Mr. Beckwith to answer that question. If you are desperate to create your own special brand of magic, then this book is a must read! It can change your mind about your own abilities. It can motivate you to try harder; to be more freely creative without risking fear of failure; to never say “I can’t!” and to have fun doing it. The efforts you put forth following the concepts and exercises in this book will create win-win results for you. So if inspiration and discovery of new ideas are what you’re looking for. Look no further.

You and I know that we can count such books on our fingertips….Fitzkee, Nelms, Ortiz, Webber…Rarities all. Now add this one; but please not to your bookshelf. This is contemporary, upbeat and contains the latest how-to’s on personal creativity. It is not meant to be glossed over with sandwich in hand, but with pad and pencil and serious concentration. It is not only conceptual, but practical; giving you exercises that will free your imagination and get you out of your head and into the real world; in short… to increase your awareness and help you to believe, even more, in yourself and your creative abilities.

And what qualifies this Beckwith fellow? For the past 20 years he has managed, produced, directed and created for Jeff McBride and Marco Tempest. With Jeff he helped create Mystery School, the World Magics Festival and the McBride Magic & Mystery School. Before that he worked on Broadway on the production and management teams for “The Fantasticks!”, “Sweeney Todd” and “Oh! Calcutta!” He has a Masters in direction and design from the University of Pittsburgh, as well as teaching acting in various universities.

Did I mention that he also does magic?

An interesting book? - Oh yes!

Will it help me? – Do the exercises, then feel the results…CONFIDENCE is one of its attributes…putting more of YOU into your magic is another….making YOU the MAGIC and not the tricks, is definitely another.

Tobias is well respected in both the Magic World and the Theatrical World. This is the next best thing to having a private tutor or coach working with you. AND…you can take it home!


Bob Fitch



Author's Note:


Bob is one of the world's most gifted teachers and coaches for magical entertainers. If you're interested in challenging yourself and lifting your magical performance to the next level, do yourself a big favor and either sign up for one of his workshops or book a private session. I can promise an extraordinary experience. Here's where to find Bob: